
Upcoming Webinars

To view recordings and slide decks from previous webinars please scroll down to "Past Webinars" on this page. CFLCA Members can access all webinar recordings by logging in and navigating to the Members Only section.

  • FLC Finance 101: Key Practices for Business Success 

    October 23rd, 2024 at 1:00 - 2:30pm

    Are you a seasoned FLC looking to optimize your business operations, or an Ag professional ready to take the leap into business ownership?
    Join us for  "FLC Finance 101: Key Practices for Business Success", a comprehensive webinar designed to help you master the financial aspects of running a successful FLC business.
    Led by consultant and former CFO with over 15 years of experience in the agriculture industry, this webinar will guide you through:
    • Best practices for setting up and managing your accounting system
    • Strategic planning for overhead costs and maximizing profitability
    • Insider tips and tricks from a seasoned expert to help you avoid common financial pitfalls
    Whether you're looking to streamline your current business or embark on a new entrepreneurial journey, this session offers the practical knowledge and expert advice you need to thrive in the competitive world of farm labor contracting.

         Presenter: Blanca L. Wright - Founder, AgStaff Solutions LLC

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Past Webinars

CFLCA Members can access all webinar recordings by logging in and navigating to the Members Only section.

  • Ensuring a Compliant Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

    March 19, 2024

    On September 30, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 553 into law, mandating a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) for California employers. This law, effective from July 1, 2024, requires businesses to maintain a WVPP, in addition to an Injury and Illness Prevention Programs. With less than six months before this requirement comes into effect, many employers are wondering how to draft a plan that will meet Cal/OSHA’s compliance requirements. Join us for a webinar that will review the history that led us to this law, unpack the intricacies of the new requirement, and consider how Cal/OSHA implemented a similar mandate for the healthcare industry. Don't miss this opportunity to stay compliant and enhance workplace safety!

    Presenter: Lisa Prince - Principal, The Prince Firm

  • When DOL Comes Knocking - Field Access Training

    March 12, 2024

    The Federal Department of Labor (DOL) is actively addressing compliance concerns among farm labor contractors and growers. California has also intensified onsite visits through its Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF). Many employers are not fully prepared for potential consequences, which can include substantial citations and, in extreme cases, criminal prosecution. Rather than relying on the hope of going unnoticed, get ready for your next inspection with field access training. Employers should familiarize themselves with their rights before government representatives arrive. How you handle an investigation can make the difference between being heavily fined or walking away unscathed.

    Presenter: Erica Rosasco - CEO, Rosasco Law Group

  • New in 2024: What You Need to Know on Legislative & Legal Updates

    January 16, 2024

    In 2023, the California State Legislature introduced the highest number of bills in more than a decade. Are you and your workforce prepared for the slate of new rules coming into effect in the new year? Join us for a webinar covering important California legislative and legal updates that will affect agricultural employers in 2024 and beyond. This webinar is appropriate for FLCs, growers, HR professionals, and anyone who handles employee complaints, manages employees, or makes decisions impacting the workplace.

    Presenter: Rebecca Hause-Schultz - Partner, Fisher Phillips

  • DOL WHD Inspections on the Rise - Are You in Compliance?

    September 12, 2023

    The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (DOL WHD) has been out in the field again, increasing inspections after the end of limits imposed by COVID-19. DOL WHD is responsible for enforcing regulations related to wages, sanitation, housing, child labor, transportation and more through FLSA, MSPA, and the H-2A program- but what does this mean practically? How can ag employers face transportation violations when they aren’t contracting to transport workers? What is DOL WHD doing to prioritize addressing retaliation issues? How should employers prepare their teams to handle on site inspectors? Employers may face steep penalties for violations- ensure your business is protected and your workers are kept safe by joining us for a webinar answering these questions and more.

    Participants should attend live, as this webinar will NOT be recorded.

    Presenter: Ruben Lugo - Regional AG Enforcement Coordinator, US DOL WHD

  • Inspecciones de DOL WHD en Aumento ¿Estás en Cumplimiento?

    19 de septiembre, 2023

    La División de Horas y Salarios del Departamento de Labor (DOL WHD) ha estado nuevamente en el campo, aumentando las inspecciones después del final de los límites impuestos por COVID-19. DOL WHD es responsable de hacer cumplir las regulaciones relacionadas con salarios, saneamiento, viviendas, trabajo de menores, transporte, y más a través de FLSA, MSPA, y el programa H-2A, pero ¿qué significa esto en la práctica? ¿Cómo pueden los empleadores agrícolas enfrentar violaciones de transporte cuando no están contratando a transportar trabajadores? ¿Qué está haciendo DOL WHD para priorizar el tratamiento de los problemas de represalias? ¿Cómo deberían los empleadores preparar a sus equipos para manejar a los inspectores en el sitio? Los empleadores pueden enfrentarse a fuertes sanciones por infracciones: asegúrese de que su negocio esté protegido y que sus trabajadores estén seguros uniéndose a nosotros para un seminario web para responder a estas preguntas y más.

    Participantes deben asistr en vivo, ya que este seminario web NO será grabado.

    Presentador: Ruben Lugo - Coordinador Regional de Cumplimiento de AG, US DOL WHD

  • Evaluating Training Return On Investment

    June 8, 2023

    Every year time, money, and effort is spent training workers- but how do you know if you’re being effective or spinning your wheels? Are you just ‘checking the box’ and collecting a sign in sheet, or are your employees retaining information and applying the knowledge to be safer, better, workers? These are not just questions we ask ourselves, but Cal/OSHA too; inspectors can go beyond just verifying training records and ask workers questions to determine if your trainings were actually effective. Join us to learn about best practices for effective and efficient training methods and how to evaluate your return on investment for trainings.

    Presenter: Jose Perez (CSHM, SMS, CIT, OHST, CHST, STS-M) Corporate Director of Environmental Health & Safety - the Wonderful Company

  • The DOL Strikes Again: Field Access Training
    March 7, 2023

    The Federal Department of Labor (DOL) is out and hunting farm labor contractors and growers alike that haven't been dotting i's and crossing t's. Additionally, California has increased onsite visits from its Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF). Most employers are unprepared for what comes next and citations can be hefty and even include criminal prosecution in the worst cases. Don't just hope to fly under the radar- Get ready for your next inspection with field access training. Employers need to know their rights before the government shows up. How you handle an investigation can make the difference between being heavily fined, or walking away unscathed.

    Presenter: Erica Rosasco- Rosasco Law Group

  • Wage & Hour Compliance for 2023
    February 8, 2023

    As 2023 ramps up, are your company policies up to date and in compliance with new federal and state laws? Wage & Hour regulations can be some of the most complicated and perilous for employers so be sure you, your office staff, and management team are well versed in the requirements, common mistakes, and how to avoid them. Don't forget to register your supervisors as they are often the ones charged with implementation and reporting!

    Presenter: Gerardo Hernandez- Shareholder, Littler

  • What Does Union Card Check Mean for Employers

    January 25, 2023

    Governor Newsom signed AB 2183, the ‘card check bill’, effective January 2023. What do these changes to the union election process under the Agricultural Labor Relations Act mean for your business? Understand the alternatives for union elections from secret ballot to mail-in to card check, and the new regulations employers may be held to for allowing union agents access, maintaining employee records, challenging ballot cards, posting bonds, and retaliation presumptions. Learn about future changes we can expect from the deal the Governor made with the UFW, how the ALRB is preparing, and what employers can do to be ready for these changes.

    Presenter: Patrick Moody- Barsamian & Moody

  • Preparing for the FLC Exam/Preparando para el Examen de FLC
    July 28, 2022 • Available Here

    With FLCs facing high failure rates, ensure you are ready to ace the test! Get insights on how to study efficiently, what types of questions are asked, tips on how to approach the exam in this new online format, and common mistakes to avoid.

  • Avoid Citations by Working with Cal/OSHA Consultation
    June 29, 2022

    View the slide deckOnsite Request Form

    Why would an employer invite Cal/OSHA, when most hope to stay out of the limelight? The employer friendly arm of Cal/OSHA can help strengthen workplace safety culture, enhance your marketability to growers, and reduce costs through free Consultation Services and the Golden Gate Recognition Program. Cal/OSHA Consultation Services is not a mole or undercover agent! They don't issue citations and are a completely separate program which does not share information with Cal/OSHA Enforcement. Join us to learn about resources available to employers, what to expect through the process, and how actively working with Consultation can benefit your workers and your business.

    Presenter: Gary McIver- Senior Safety Engineer, Cal/OSHA Consultation

  • CalSavers for Farm Labor Contractors
    June 7, 2022

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    View the slide deckVea las diapositivas

    All employers with 5 or more employees must register CalSavers, a state-sponsored retirement plan, and facilitate their employees access by June 30, 2022 (employers who sponsor their own qualified retirement plan are exempt).

    Join us to learn what this state-sponsored plan is all about – your requirements as an employer, and the impacts on and options available to employees. We’ll also explore EZ$SAVINGS4U (unaffiliated with CalSavers): an easy to implement option for employers concerned about costs and liabilities associated with sponsoring a retirement plan, including concerns related to seasonal workers with high turnover rates and variable hour employment.

  • H-2A 101: Understanding the Nuts & Bolts
    February 15, 2022

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    Due to a dwindling labor pool, the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Program has seen explosive growth in California. The number of H-2A workers in the state has doubled in the last five years and is projected to increase exponentially. Could the H-2A program be right for you? Learn the fundamentals of how it works with specific focus on issues relevant to FLCs in California, why it can be a win/win solution to your labor needs, and expert advice to make the program effective and profitable for your operation.

    Presenter: Tom Bortnyk- Senior Vice President and General Counsel, másLabor