Schedule, Speakers, & Session Descriptions 

Session Descriptions

Thursday, November 21

8:00 - 8:45am

More information coming soon...

9:00 - 10:00am

Unexpected emergencies can strike at any time. Key strategies like crafting clear messages, managing public perceptions, and ensuring transparency are essential not only for protecting your company's reputation but also for safeguarding the well-being of your workforce. This session is designed to provide attendees with practical advice on emergency preparedness and communication, equipping employers with the tools they need to effectively handle media interactions during workplace emergencies. 
Presenter: Raul Calvo, Employer Services Consulting
Need guidance through the complexities of responding to a Cal/OSHA citation? This session offers a look at the citation process, detailing employer rights, responsibilities, and strategies for staying compliant. You'll hear from a former Cal/OSHA official on how to prepare for inspections, challenge citations, and implement corrective actions to prevent future issues.
Presenter: Bill Krycia, The Zenith

¿Está desconcertado por la solicitud de licencia estatal de FLC o los procesos de registro federal de FLC? Esta sesión cubrirá las mejores prácticas para solicitudes de primera vez y de renovación de licencias FLC de California, así como el registro federal de FLC ante el Departamento de Trabajo. Conozca los pasos esenciales, los errores comunes y las estrategias efectivas para agilizar el proceso de solicitud. Ya sea que sea nuevo en el proceso de licencia o esté buscando renovarlo, esta sesión le brindará información valiosa para ayudarlo a administrar con éxito sus requisitos de licencia FLC. 

Presentadora: Adriana Zepeda, Relation Insurance Services

10:15 - 11:15am

California’s agriculture industry is the most heavily regulated in the country. This ever-growing complex system of regulations has increased the likelihood of agricultural employers being hit with devastating lawsuits. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Join this session to learn about common pitfalls and proactive measures that you can take to safeguard your business.  
Presenter: Erica Rosasco, Rosasco Law Group
What does it take to develop top-notch field supervisors? Find out from an expert in the field and learn how to spot leadership potential, offer targeted training, and set up mentoring programs that really work. Get the inside scoop on boosting communication, building teamwork, and creating a positive work environment. This session will show you how to equip your supervisors with the tools they need to lead effectively and keep things running smoothly in the field. Don't miss out on making sure your supervisors are ready to meet the challenges of the agricultural industry. 
Presenter: Lourdes Gonzalez, Gowan Co.

Dado que el requisito de California de implementar un Plan de Prevención de la Violencia en el Lugar de Trabajo entró en vigor recientemente el 1 de julio de 2024, es crucial que los empleadores agrícolas se familiaricen con los nuevos requisitos de Cal/OSHA. Dada la naturaleza altamente estresante de la agricultura, priorizar la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo es más importante que nunca. En esta sesión, desglosaremos las regulaciones actualizadas y ofreceremos consejos prácticos sobre cómo crear e implementar planes efectivos de prevención de la violencia. Aprenderá cómo identificar riesgos potenciales, establecer protocolos de seguridad sólidos y cumplir con los requisitos estatales. 

 Presentadora: Maria Arreguin, Risk Compliance Management

11:30am - 12:30pm

Why is it so important for agricultural employers to support their employees' mental health? Studies show farming is a uniquely stressful occupation, with mental health challenges that can have serious consequences. Financial stress, market volatility, and other business-related pressures are just a few of the factors impacting their mental health. In this session we’ll dive into effective strategies for creating a positive workplace culture, recognizing mental health challenges, and connecting your team with the resources they need. Learn how prioritizing mental well-being can boost productivity, job satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of your business. 
Presenter: Teresa Andrews and Esmeralda Mandujano, Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Are you confident in managing employee discipline and termination? Join us at the Ag Labor Forum for an important session that tackles these challenges head-on. We’ll explore common issues with employee conduct and offer practical strategies for effective disciplinary actions. Discover best practices for staying compliant with labor laws, maintaining fairness, and minimizing conflicts. Get equipped with the tools to handle tough situations professionally and ensure a balanced and respectful approach to employee management.  
Presenters: Blanca Wright and Cristina Alvarez, AgStaff Solutions
El principal contribuyente a las infracciones de salarios y horarios es la falta de comprensión profunda de las regulaciones del DOL, lo que dificulta su aplicación adecuada. Asegúrese de estar preparado asistiendo a la sesión "Salarios y horas 101". Se le guiará a través de estrategias proactivas para evaluar y mejorar el cumplimiento de su organización, identificar problemas potenciales e implementar medidas correctivas. Esta sesión le proporcionará el conocimiento para manejar regulaciones complejas de salarios y horarios y proteger sus operaciones de desafíos legales. 
Presentador: Ruben Lugo, Impact Ag Labor

1:30 - 2:30pm

Are you prepared to tackle emerging issues facing Farm Labor Contractors? Join us for a session with experts who will explore the latest challenges on the horizon. We’ll dive into evolving regulations, shifts in the labor market, and the impact of technological advancements on the industry. Get valuable insights and strategies to stay ahead of these changes. Whether you're a seasoned contractor or just starting out, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate and excel in the ever-evolving world of farm labor contracting. 
Presenter: Joe Martinez, Acrisure
Are you up to date on the Department of Labor’s latest priorities and most common challenges they see in the field, including recent regulatory changes and enforcement trends? Join us to learn how these updates affect ag employers and discover effective strategies for staying compliant. Hear directly from the Wage and Hour Division for new insights to help you navigate the evolving landscape of labor regulations. Don’t miss this chance to engage directly with a DOL representative and get your questions answered!
Presenter: Ramon Huaracha, DOL - Wage and Hour Division
¿Qué se necesita para desarrollar supervisores de campo de primer nivel? Infórmese de la mano de un experto en el campo y aprenda cómo detectar el potencial de liderazgo, ofrecer capacitación específica y establecer programas de tutoría que realmente funcionen. Obtenga información privilegiada sobre cómo impulsar la comunicación, desarrollar el trabajo en equipo y crear un ambiente de trabajo positivo. Esta sesión le mostrará cómo equipar a sus supervisores con las herramientas que necesitan para liderar de manera efectiva y mantener todo funcionando sin problemas en el campo. No deje de asegurarse de que sus supervisores estén preparados para afrontar los desafíos de la industria agrícola. 
Presentadora: Lourdes Gonzalez, Gowan Co. 

2:45 - 3:45pm

Today’s insurance market is the most challenging we have seen in years. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of these significant challenges that FLCs and other ag employers face in today’s market. We will explore the factors driving market difficulties and provide actionable strategies to help employers navigate these challenges effectively. Learn how to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and secure the best possible coverage for your operations. This session is essential for staying resilient and savvy in an increasingly complex insurance landscape.
Presenter: Greg Anderson, Acrisure
Ensuring compliance with the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) and Wage and Hour Division regulations should be high priorities for agricultural employers. Leading technology companies have created new tools that allow employers to reduce these risks through digital recordkeeping practices. Are you up to date on what’s available? This session, moderated by Erica Rosasco of the Rosasco Law Group and featuring representatives from Datatech, Ganaz, and PickTrace, will discuss how leveraging technology can enhance compliance, accuracy, and efficiency in managing labor records, ultimately safeguarding your operations from potential legal challenges. 
Presenters: Erica Rosasco, Rosasco Law Group. Hannah Terrats, Datatech. Pascal Stewart, PickTrace. Robert de Leon, Ganaz.
¿Está actualizado sobre las últimas prioridades del Departamento de Trabajo y los desafíos más comunes que ven en el campo, incluidos los cambios regulatorios recientes y las tendencias de aplicación? Únase a nosotros para conocer cómo estas actualizaciones afectan a los empleadores agrícolas y descubrir estrategias efectivas para cumplir con las normas. Escuche directamente a la División de Salarios y Horas para obtener nuevos conocimientos que le ayudarán a navegar por el panorama cambiante de las regulaciones laborales. ¡No pierda esta oportunidad de comunicarse directamente con un representante del DOL y obtener respuestas a sus preguntas!  
Presenter: Ramon Huaracha, DOL - Wage and Hour Division

4:00 - 5:00pm

Creating an effective hiring process and maintaining a compliant employee handbook are important ways of ensuring a smooth onboarding process. Learn practical tips for streamlining the hiring process to attract and retain the best talent. Discover essential elements to ensure your employee handbooks are compliant with current regulations and reflect best practices. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to stay ahead of legal requirements and foster a positive workplace culture by keeping your hiring processes and documentation up to date. 
Presenters: Blanca Wright and Cristina Alvarez, AgStaff Solutions
Are you looking to improve communication, build resilient relationships, and enhance cooperation between FLCs and Growers? This session will dive into strategies and actions both parties can take to strengthen their joint operations. You'll learn how to work together effectively to mitigate risks and protect against liabilities. Whether you're an FLC or a grower, this session offers valuable insights and tools to foster stronger, more successful collaborations. 
Presenters: Laura Penera, Braga Fresh Family Farms
El mercado de seguros actual es el más desafiante que hemos visto en años. En esta sesión se describen los importantes desafíos que los FLC y otros empleadores agrícolas enfrentan en el mercado actual. Exploraremos los factores que impulsan las dificultades del mercado y brindaremos estrategias viables para ayudar a los empleadores a afrontar estos desafíos de manera efectiva. Aprenda cómo tomar decisiones informadas, mitigar riesgos y asegurar la mejor cobertura posible para sus operaciones. Esta sesión es esencial para mantener la resiliencia y la inteligencia en un panorama de seguros cada vez más complejo. 
Presenter: Javier Hernandez, Relation Insurance Services
Friday, November 22

8:30 - 9:30am

This session is our first of its kind at the Ag Labor Forum, featuring a diverse panel of seasoned professionals, including a farm labor contractor, labor attorney, HR professional, and insurance and risk advisor. You'll gain valuable insights into best practices for agricultural employers, covering everything from hiring and HR policies to risk management and legal considerations. The panel will provide actionable strategies to enhance your operations, ensure legal compliance, and optimize workforce management. This is a must-attend session for those seeking to achieve operational excellence in the agricultural sector.  
Presenters: Greg Anderson, Acrisure. Chuck Herrin, Sunrise Farm Labor. Erica Rosasco, Rosasco Law Group. Blanca Wright, AgStaff Solutions. 

With California’s requirement to implement a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan recently coming into effect on July 1, 2024, it is crucial for agricultural employers to get familiar with Cal/OSHA's new requirements. Given the high-stress nature of farming, prioritizing workplace safety is more important than ever. In this session, we’ll break down the updated regulations and offer practical advice on creating and implementing effective violence prevention plans. You’ll learn how to identify potential risks, establish strong safety protocols, and stay compliant with state requirements.

Presenter: Lisa Prince, The Prince Firm

¿Necesita orientación a través de las complejidades de responder a una citación de Cal/OSHA? Esta sesión ofrece una mirada al proceso de citación, detallando los derechos, responsabilidades y estrategias del empleador para cumplir. Escuchará a un exfuncionario de Cal/OSHA sobre cómo prepararse para las inspecciones, impugnar citaciones e implementar acciones correctivas para evitar problemas futuros.
Presentador: Jose Perez, The Wonderful Company 

9:45 - 10:45am

Stumped by the state FLC license application or federal FLC registration processes? This session will cover best practices for first-time and renewal applications for California FLC licenses and federal FLC registration with the Department of Labor. Learn essential steps, common pitfalls, and effective strategies to streamline the application process. Whether you’re new to the licensing process or seeking to renew, this session will provide valuable insights to help you successfully manage your FLC licensing requirements. 
Presenter: Mary Lou Mahan, Acrisure
Learn to navigate Cal/OSHA's new indoor heat illness prevention standard, which took effect on July 23, 2024. This standard applies to most indoor workplaces in California, including agricultural settings. Employers are now required to implement a written plan to protect workers from heat stress. In this session, you’ll learn how to ensure your operations are up to code, get essential guidance on meeting these regulations, implementing effective heat stress prevention measures, and maintaining a safe working environment.  
Presenter: Bryan Little, Farm Employers Labor Services
Esta sesión es la primera de su tipo en el Foro Laboral Agrícola y cuenta con un panel diverso de profesionales experimentados, incluido un contratista de mano de obra agrícola, un abogado laboralista, un profesional de recursos humanos y un agente de seguros. Obtendrá información valiosa sobre las mejores prácticas para empleadores agrícolas, que abarcan todo, desde contratación y políticas de recursos humanos hasta gestión de riesgos y consideraciones legales. El panel proporcionará estrategias viables para mejorar sus operaciones, garantizar el cumplimiento legal y optimizar la gestión de la fuerza laboral. Esta es una sesión obligada para aquellos que buscan lograr la excelencia operativa en el sector agrícola. 
Presenters: Javier Hernandez, Relation Insurance Services. Sal Dominguez, Total Labor Force. Gerardo Hernandez, Littler. Goretti Calvo, AgSocio. 

11:00am - 12:00pm

The primary contributor to Wage and Hour violations is a lack of thorough understanding of DOL regulations, hindering proper enforcement. Ensure you’re prepared by attending the "Wage and Hour 101" session. You’ll be guided through proactive strategies to assess and improve your organization’s compliance, identify potential issues, and implement corrective measures. This session will equip you with the knowledge to handle complex wage and hour regulations and protect your operations from legal challenges. 
Presenter: Ruben Lugo, Impact Ag Labor
Curious about how AI and new technologies are changing the game for agricultural employers? In this session, we’ll dive into the ways AI and cutting-edge tools are transforming the industry—boosting efficiency, sparking innovation, and bringing new challenges. Discover the benefits, like better data analysis and automation, and what it takes to integrate these technologies into your operations. Don’t miss out on learning how to stay ahead and use these advancements to grow your agricultural business. 
Presenter: Western Growers Center for Innovation & Technology (invited)
Aprenda a navegar por la nueva norma de prevención de enfermedades causadas por el calor en interiores de Cal/OSHA, que entró en vigor el 23 de Julio de 2024. Esta norma se aplica a la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo interiores en California, incluidos los entornos agrícolas. Ahora se exige a los empleadores que implementen un plan escrito para proteger a los trabajadores del estrés por calor. En esta sesión, aprenderá cómo garantizar que sus operaciones cumplan con el código, obtener orientación esencial sobre cómo cumplir con estas regulaciones, implementar medidas efectivas de prevención del estrés por calor y mantener un entorno de trabajo seguro. 
Presentadores: Jose Perez, The Wonderful Company. Isabel Bravo-Perez, The Zenith.  

1:00 - 2:00pm

The landscape of the agricultural unionization process in California’s agriculture industry has seen significant changes, with new rules that could impact your business. Feeling uncertain about how these changes could impact you? Are you familiar with the unions’ latest strategies to reach workers? Don’t worry – this session features speakers with hands-on experience navigating the new union rules.

Hear from Raul Calvo, an ag employer consultant on the front lines of these unionization efforts, and Cesar Lopez, an HR professional whose company went through the unionizing process which did not result in certification. Gain clear insights into how these changes affect union interactions and the collective bargaining process, along with practical advice on how to navigate this evolving environment. Don’t miss this essential session to stay informed and effectively manage labor relations in the agricultural sector.

Presenters: Raul Calvo, Employer Services Consulting. Cesar Lopez, WISH Farms. 

El panorama del proceso de sindicación agrícola en la industria agrícola de California ha experimentado cambios significativos, con nuevas normas que podrían afectar a su negocio. ¿No está seguro de cómo podrían afectarle estos cambios? No se preocupe - esta sesión cuenta con oradores con experiencia práctica en la navegación de las nuevas normas sindicales. 

Escuche a Raúl Calvo, consultor especializado en empleadores agrícolas que ha estado en primera línea de los esfuerzos de sindicalización, y a César López, un profesional de recursos humanos cuya empresa atravesó un proceso de sindicalización que no llegó a la certificación. Esta sesión le brindará una visión clara sobre cómo estos cambios impactan las relaciones sindicales y los procesos de negociación colectiva, junto con recomendaciones prácticas para enfrentar un entorno en constante evolución. No se pierda esta oportunidad esencial para mantenerse actualizado y gestionar de manera eficaz las relaciones laborales en el sector agrícola. 

Presentadores: Raul Calvo, Employer Services Consulting. Cesar Lopez, WISH Farms. 

2:15 - 3:15pm

Are you ready for the changes coming in 2025? In our "Preparing for 2025: Laws & Regulations" session, we’ll cover the new laws and regulations set to take effect. Get a comprehensive update on the legal requirements that will impact your operations and learn proactive steps to stay compliant. Make sure you’re equipped with the knowledge to navigate these changes smoothly and keep your business ahead of the curve as the regulatory landscape shifts. 
Presenters: Seth Merhten, Barsamian & Moody. Jason Resnick, Western Growers. 
¿Estás listo para los cambios que se avecinan en 2025? En nuestra sesión "Preparándose para 2025: Leyes y regulaciones", cubriremos las nuevas leyes y regulaciones que entrarán en vigor. Obtenga una actualización completa sobre los requisitos legales que afectarán sus operaciones y aprenda pasos proactivos para cumplir. Asegúrese de contar con el conocimiento para afrontar estos cambios sin problemas y mantener su negocio a la vanguardia a medida que cambia el panorama regulatorio. 
Presentador: Gerardo Hernandez, Littler

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